I am convinced that the world needs an urgent change and that we must all be part of it. It is time for individuals, families, companies and governments to become aware and responsible for the impact of our actions on our community, country and planet. We want to be one of the best companies in the world and not just in the world. In collaboration with Sistema B and Ashoka, we are redefining our own sense of success and travel experience.

With the commitment to leave a positive footprint in the world and take leadership in our sector, we created a social transformation plan with 4 axes aligned with the UN Sustainable Development goals..


We seek to contribute to the development of our collaborators by offering programs and tools so that they live their best version. Some of our programs are:

  • Ongoing training and professionalization via courses, workshops and a talent incubator program.
  • BF Women a space to accelerate progress towards true gender equality.
  • Workshops and conferences on emotional intelligence, self-awareness, violence and other current topics and challenges.
  • Workshops and recommendations on nutrition, health, yoga, meditation and general well-being.
  • We are generating a fund for college scholarships for the direct family of our collaborators. </li >

With our B-Artesanal program we seek to integrate small producers, artists and artisans into the hotel value chain, and thus bring them closer to wider markets. We promote their training and growth in the tourism sector and, if possible, in other countries.

Our decoration, amenities and various supplies are made and purchased directly from artisans from different regions of the country, spreading their work and techniques through various channels and celebrating the creativity and talent of Mexican artists and artisans.

We are collaborating with social entrepreneurs, mostly linked to, to boost their impact in the various areas they work. Some alliances are: Purchase of products made by women in detention centers (with Reinserta), donation and collaborations to Cántaro Azul to strengthen the infrastructure of rural schools in Chiapas, Mentoring of La Mano del Mono focused on strengthening families and tourism organizations community and adventure tourism in remote areas.


Our planet cannot stand any more exploitation without conscience. It is urgent to adjust our business models to minimize waste and Co2 emissions; educate and adjust tourism to guarantee respect for our ecosystems. Among our actions, the following stand out: Cleaning of beaches, elimination of single-use plastics through the use of dispensers in our rooms, eradication of straws, use of biodegradable bags and containers, among others.

We generate awareness-raising activities about environmental care, we encourage the use of bicycles and other less polluting transport, we integrate within our hotels equipment that contributes to the use of renewable energy and we are in training to move towards “zero waste”.


We seek to raise awareness with all our stake holders in order to be agents of change. We actively seek alliances to maximize our social footprint. ALLIANCES Active: Esmex, REINSERT, Ashoka, System B, the Hand of the Monkey, Blue Pitcher.

We are in the process of being certified as Company B, a comprehensive certification that seeks to promote a sustainable economic model. We constantly look for opportunities to continue learning how to take an active role in positive change, become aware, and promote a healthier and more conscious way of life among our visitors and community.


B Artesanal es una de las acciones del proyecto de transformación social de Hoteles BF a través del cual contribuimos a la prosperidad de nuestra comunidad, incorporando en nuestros hoteles piezas de arte popular mexicano de las diferentes regiones del país; celebrando así, la creatividad y talento de los artistas y artesanos mexicanos.

Why do we do it?

We recognize the richness of Mexican culture, and we also know the challenges that our country’s artisans face every day. We assume the responsibility of seeking to maximize the impact of our work on our community, country and planet. We believe that, as tourism entrepreneurs, fortunate to be in privileged places, we can bring these benefits to communities and families with less access to national and international markets.

For this reason, as BF Hotels, we open our spaces to bring together and share our traditions and our culture by offering decent spaces, fair trade and training opportunities for small Mexican artisans. 

Our Boutiques

In our B Artesanal spaces you can find pieces from different parts of Mexico, from the beautiful looms of Chiapas, the renowned Michoacan ceramics, the wonders of black clay from Oaxaca, the creativity and history in each of the alebrijes, among many more pieces. .